Bold Brown: Text box data.
Bold Orange: List box data.
1. Backgrounds
- DeEthanizer is a deethanizer tower, which separates a hydrocarbon mixture in a fluid state from methane and ethane in a vapor state and a material with a higher carbon number than the one in a gaseous state.
- A detailed description of the term can be found below.
- Tray sizing: The interval between tray decks is usually set to 300–900 mm.
- Tray spacing: Finding a diameter in which the flooding of the column is stable under a specific condition.
- Tray rating: Calculating the tray performance with hydraulic information such as flooding approach, downcomer bakcup, and pressure drop.
- Tray performance: Flooding (a capacity limitation), weeping blowing, (a falling part of a small amount of liquid that rise), (part liquid phenomenon that is up there's too little aekcheryang), entrainment dumping, (causing rising phenomenon, drying to a lot of liquid is above blowing), (weeping aekcheryang and more and more is a phenomenon be equal).